
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Up to date with Amanda Bynes, Selena Gomez , Chris Brown, Kylie Khardashian and more ...

Yup, this happened.  Caught that this morning on my iPod! So seriously, another idol down.  How does this mess just keep happening?   She was totally funny and ultra cool.  She seemed to have it together and then the spiral... Downwards.   Is it drugs, is it illness, is is money and fame which fade if away if one is not in the news?  Who knows... Amanda set her pants on FIRE in some elderly ladies driveway whom she did not know - man, and she brought her dog to the fire party.  What was she trying to do - roast the poor puppy?   I jut wish she would be healthy and normal and showing her talents in movie we would like to see.   Don't hold ur breath though.. She is currently in a 5150 hold and her parents may need to pull a Britney  Spears on her to send her on a road to better health.
Selena Gomez is 21!!! Congrats to the ultra chic singer/actress!!!! She celebrated with her fam and friends out here in Cali .., though sans Justin Bieber we here.  Not left without all memories of him - she received a b-day cake which sported a leopard print, same as Justin's famously painted leopard car, and with a pic of Justin on the cake.  Well, who would not love a Justin Bieber on their cake and eat it too?  Shmmm .., the cake people !!! Really!  However, I know biz is biz , but why would Justin not be there? One would think the he would make a much bigger effort to be with Selena on her big day!  After all, this is Your great love, is it not?  I wish the two well and that they can recover and rekindle their romance.  Ultimately , they are cute together - when Justin is less a tool and more a genuine gent.  Selena deserves a descent guy, not jut the rough around the edges wanna be bad dude!  Just saying ... No love lost - no worries - still adore Justin same as always - just feel his recent antics have dushe written in subtitles .. A tiny bit
Speaking of dushe ... On to Chris Brown ! Lol what is he thinking these days.,, one has to wonder... The ever changing events of hit n run .. To a Nike paint job on his car to match his shoes ( if ya got it like that ., :) flaunt it) what qualifies him as a dushe though is his ever changing live triangle between girlfriends.  How do u not know who you love?  Why are the lines of lust, love and fun so blurred?  And why do the women not draw a line? Do they not want to be treated more with respect ? Wake up - demand it... Yes - plenty women n girls would jump at the chance of just meeting him but seriously? There are two gorgeous young women.. And RhiRhi is famous ... In this case, they are so far ahead of Chris and his player ways ... Funny would actually be if those two ladies would come together and teach this gent a lesson to humble himself.  Dear Chris, you have a great career, fix your live life !!! This back n forth has to have their heads spinning .., 
Maybe there is another amazing song in that? We'll see I suppose
Jennifer Lawrence, gotta live this girl !  He totally interview bombed an E-News interview with Jeff Bridges reportedly!  How awesome is that!  Gutsy !  One has to admire her spunk and spontaneity (spelled right) ? .  In any case, love that stuff - wish her nothing but the best.
Vanessa Hudgens - luv this Chica!  Met her, adore her, wanna see more of her on the big screen.  Not so much in Spring breakers though, sorry babe.  She was floating through the news over some white mid riff shirt paired with a white mini skirt. Apparently same combo, not same outfit, was worn alá Vanessa a few times.  So she has found a set she likes a lot.  Big deal!  I say you like it, I love it!!! There rare worse things to be in the news about - see Amanda Bynes, if fashion happens to be your vice - run with it!  Wear what makes you happy :) ! And as always : pair it with some awesome jewels, earrings etc alá Venessa Hudgens!
People I have so much more, but I have work to do... And we have to work on the website and mag !  Oh yes, that still runs! I catch up a little  later and fish some more!  Luvies :)

Love this pic of Zendaya - u go girl - rock the colors! 

No - wait - two more cents in!  Kylie Jenner / Kardashian and Kendall Jenner / Kardashian ... The ever changing story who they date!  From Austin Mahone , hottie alert, to Jaden Smith it is all out there in the news world. Mama Kris always says they are just friends.  Why do we see pic of them holding hands... Hmmm? Just saying :) Although it is fun to guess, reality: what does it matter?  We 'normies' will never meet these ladies nor their potential suitors in reality , unless they sign a release and appear on their show :)!  We cannot even get an interview from said parties!  That said, ladies, more power to ya.  If you are happy so are we! Just keep updating your Instagram so that we can vicariously live through you ;) - hint hint!  

Peace out .,, 


Friday, July 19, 2013

Justin Bieber saga

So, on the last leg if my iPod battery I found this TMZ post of Justin and Selena at a Fourth of July party.  
What are your thoughts?  Share and tweet, e-mail , comment- weigh in on this.

My first reaction,  it is nice to see them at a normal pool party.  Not some big official event stuffed with suits and biz.  The Fourth is a relax day... And so it shall be.  Also, I actually really like these two together.   A little less drama would be good.  But hey - makes for good reading on the other hand.  That said, Selena , U kno I luv ya gurl , but why the heels w ur ultra cute summer dress?  Relax n kick back!  I totally dig the relax vibe and summer look but feel that those heels - even if they are nice - are pushing it!!!  A different style of shoe would have been my choice.  But hey, I can't be made at u honey, u r the one making the big bucks! Luv ya - one day we will have those Dorito tacos together !!! Lol - who knows if you even remember - moving on .  JB wearing a bright orange pair of shorts - well neon is in - but my 2 cents : if u wanna stay low key and blend wear less eye popping - bursting - colors.  Now TMZ ripped JB and said he was wearing a traffic cone ... So, I don't think I would go that far - though we laughed - but it is a relax urself kinda day.  If Justin wants to let his orange fly, who are we to argue?  Lol 
The two as a couple is nice though.  I like them together!  Just a little less drama would be good.  The lack of privacy plays a part but we all have to use  our judgement as well.  Btw when did it become important to show off ur beer while u r not 21.  If u do it, why plaster it all over the net?  One knows you are in the public eye, there are photos, even if you try to seize some, after you realize there weren't any to start with - hint - but if you don't want the public to see - do not do it.  Just a thought.  Image is a delicate thing - and it has made and broke many celebs.  It is not easy, I can imagine, but it is manageable .   Looking at Selena, she has realized this and mastered the art.  

All in all - I wish I would have been there , duh , lol, and that my party would have been half as much fun as those two had!  Yup - :)

Hello 2013 ..... Lol

Wow - it has seriously been a long while since the last post .  So many things are happening.  We will recap and update a few things around here.  Life pushed is forward into a new direction which took our focus into new directions.  Now that we have our feet on the ground we move forward and with a clear view on how, when, where  - what will take place. 
Summer vacation - seems shorter this year, doesn't it?  What are you guys up to?  Let us know some of the things you guys are doing this summer.  Who did you see in concert, who did you meet where, what books are you reading - And - wink wink - what music are you listening too while you are doing it ?  Let us know - we want to update our playlist!!! 

Hahaha -sorry - had to post - every time I se this pic - gotta laugh!!!! On that note - stay tuned and keep smiling ... :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Oh my ...
Matt Hunter, a young artist on his way up and right into your iPod playlist!!!!!
This talented, and very cute :) , performer is next in line for the Justin Bieber spot!  His bilingual music is starting to go viral around the world.  Watch his video and surely you recognize the dance moves.... Seems he spends much time in rehearsals to compete for the new JB spot.  Now that Justin is growing in age and musically he leaves the market wide open for other up and coming artists to fill his teen heartthrob space.  Certainly, many young artists try and a good number qualify, such as Thilo Berndt.  However, this young lad has the bilingual advantage!!! And my, it sounds so dreamy .... :)  We will try to bring you more of Matt soon, until then we posted a variety of his videos to the right of this column. ~~~~>>>>
To watch more of Matt Hunter go and find him on YouTube today!