
Thursday, August 25, 2011

On the road with The ICONic Boys - a story by Angie - part ONE

" Angie! Hurry, hurry, hurry! Time to leave before the other fans beat us to the good seats!"  My mom belted as her voice carried from one part of the hallway to the other.  I groaned rolling over onto my side '5:15' read on my alarm clock.  "Arrrrrgghh"  I moaned sitting up  in bed, wiping my morning eyes.  No sunlight making it's way through my hot pink curtains. 'Now I'm starting to think the nosebleeds aren't so bad...' i thought to myself.  Yeah, i am a a fan.  Of who?  Well, i am a fan of one of America's best dance crew groups.  The ICONic Boys.  yeah, i know 'ooohh she is in love with Nick!' or "ooohh lover of Spiky Mike.' let me tell you, that is a big NO.  I am a fan of Vinny!  He is so cute and funny!  Not to mention a good dancer!  well, enough about me.  lol  Off to look in my closet.  As i scattered through my closet full of empty hangers and hung clothes, some folded nice and pretty, i came accross my black Beatles shirt. "yay"  found it, found it, found it! ~~~~~  I sang as i slipped it on along with my other necessary girlie clothes and accessories.  My curly hair really not needing to fix.  grabbing my royal blue poster board stamped with pictures of Vinny and his name in big bright silver letters.  I took off running down my hallway, then BAM!  My clumsy self trips over my shoelaces.  THUMP!  I am clumsy.  Actually, let me rephrase, VERY clumsy.  Crawling on my floor with rug burn.  Ouch! " Come on!  We are going to be lat--" my mom stopped in front of me.  She helped me up and to the car.  No rug burn was going to stop me from seeing my Vinny!  Nope, nope Sir!  So I just slipped my jeans over my knee a little more.  Nobody was going to see anyways.  Right?  I had been bugging my mom way too long for her and I to miss this opportunity.  Onto the freeway we were.  An hour passed, then another, and another.  It was down right TORTURE!!!!  Here is what in my mind i wanted to do.  Dun dun dun! Super Ange!  I wish I had the power to teleport, because i would be at that show already, in a snap!  - By then I had fallen asleep.  "We are here.!" my mom shook me.  I jumped out of my sleep with some Karate moves.  'I-did-not-sneak-behind-the-stage!  I gasped opening my eyes.. "What now?"  "Nothing, Nothing. Just go get in line" "Kay" i grabbed my poster and ran to the front of the performance building.  Too late.  Girls rushed me.  Down to the ground I fell.  this was a moment you would see in a movie - where a person , run out of luck, would fall to their knees and cry out: 'Noooooooooooooooo!'  That is not right.  I wish I would do  that but ... no room.  I am surrounded by screaming girls.  The ripping sound of my poster and I looked onto the floor.  Now THIS was a  'NOOOOO' moment as well, don't ya think?  I grabbed just a bit of my shredded Vinny poster.  well, just a V.  I sniffled.  then girls were let in.  I ran to get in and was stopped by a body guard.  "whoa whoa whoa. No more... we are packed little lady"  [record scratching.>>>>} Say whaaaaaaat?  I know, right?  there couldn't have been THAT many girls piling up inside that quickly.?!  "but I-I-I am a Grander..."  my eyes watered and I stuck out my bottom lip.  That face was never turned down.  Wrong.  he just went inside and shut the door behind him.  I ran to the door and yanked on the handle.  it would not budge.  I banged on it " You do not understand! I have to see Vinny and the rest of the ICONic Boys perform!"  Just then the door opened.  My prayers were answered!  The one and only Vinny!  i backed up and my eyes were wide.  "Hi.." he said staring at me, then the dent in the stage door.  "Someone threw a rock! Yeah!" I stuttered.  Remembering the bracelet i had made for Vinny.  It was his favorite color.  Royal blue!  I pulled it out of my pocket and reached my hand out to him.  "It's .... for you." I mumbled.  Vinny took it with a smile and nodded. "Thanks... Grander" he said with a smile.  I guess i can sneak you in...."  he said propping open the door.  i squealed running in.  I turned around and he was already gone. "Awwww" I said with a frown.. I ran down the hallway and towards what I thought was a stage door.  I opened it.  I walked in and saw Mikey.  Abs and all.  My jaw dropped.  He spun around, seeing me he covered as much of his abs and chest as he could screaming "Shhhh!  You didn't see anything!"  I backed out of the room.  "Not the stage door!"  I screamed.  Louis ran down the hallway.  Stopping right in front of me. "What was all that noise--"  he saw me and smiled.  "Hi.." he said nicely.  Creepy in my opinion.  "You are da pitbull?  AKA Louis"  I said wide eyed.  "yeah buddy"  he said trying to act cool as he leaned against the wall.  "Yeah ... Okay .. I am gonna leave now.. "  i said running out of the hallway to the actual door that was labeled - Stage Door.  "Awww man!" Louis groaned as I left. .....

... to be continued

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