
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The gist on cell phones - and your health

There has been a long standing discussions about cell phones, how long we use them and how it effects our bodies.  New studies raise new concerns, a link to rare brain tumors has been made.  Electronics devices give off electromagnetic radiation, mostly from its antenna.
Studies show that the average woman uses her cell phone at least 14 hours per month, on average sends and receives about 600 text messages as well.  An international panel of experts at the World  Health Organization (WHO) recently came to the conclusion that exposure to the electromagnetic (EM) radiation emitted from cell phones could possibly increase the odds for glioma, a rare brain tumor.

What to do?

keep distance from antenna
The farther you are from the antenna while you are talking, the lesser the radiation dose will be.  As a rule hold your phone about 4 inches away from you, the radiation will only be a 16th as strong this way.  Even just 2 inches away will break down the radiation greatly.

Use your headset
Again, the point is to put distance between you and the phone's antenna.  A hands free head set allows you to speak but keep a good distance to your phone.

Find good reception areas
The more your phone has to work  to make a 'better' connection, lower bars, the more radiation will come from your cell phone.  Stay near windows and well reception areas.  Also, step outside of your car.  The signal bounces around of the metal of your car and intensifies the electromagnetic smog.  So if pull over and step outside for the moment of your call you make a healthier improvement.

Our Favorite: send a text
Finally!  A true reason to text!  lol  While texting, you put a greater distance between you and the phone's antenna and thereby keeping radiation at bay.  CAUTION!!! DO NOT TEXT WHILE DRIVING!!!  many people have accidents this way and lose their lives.  There is NOTHING cool about a text that reads: 'What?' at your funeral!!!!!  Totally uncool.  Pull over, while driving, or just put your phone in your bag while you are traveling in your car.  Once you stopped, text away.

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